Join the Restorative Journey and Become a Member of Portsmouth Mediation Service
‘Members’ of PMS are akin to a shareholder in a commercial business, in that they rely on the board of directors (Trustees), to set the strategy and to make executive decisions, but in terms of governance, hold those directors to account.
The numbers and involvement of Members has diminished in recent years and we are seeking to invigorate the membership of PMS. We know that at PMS, we have many friends and supporters in the community who value the work that PMS provides. Many of our friends actively support us in spreading the word of the valuable work we perform.
We would like to invite those friends and supporters to become a ‘Member’ and join a group of like minded citizens who wish to see the spread of restorative practices across and beyond the city.
Being a Member allows you to signal your support without necessarily taking on a formal role. Importantly, it gives you a voice and a vote at the Annual General Meeting and therefore being a part of setting the vision and direction of the future of PMS.
The liability of a Member is limited. In the event of PMS being wound up, each current Member or person who has been a Member in the previous year, agrees to pay a sum up to but not exceeding £10, to pay off any debts of the Charity.
Members are encouraged to raise any matter of concern and to propose new ideas for consideration. To date, Members have included trustees, volunteers and others who have supported the charity in other ways, such as fundraising.
If you would like to become a member of PMS, simply e-mail your full name and address to The Chair of The Trustees at
Your application will be formally agreed at the next Trustee Board meeting. We will then add your name and address to the PMS Members Register, which we are required to maintain by the Companies Act 2006, and send you confirmation. Under the Act, the information on the Members Register is publicly available and such information is retained for a period of ten years from the date a person ceases to be a member.
We would request a voluntary one-off donation of £10 to become a Member.