Registered charity number 1061569

Our Testimonials

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Christ Hospital School

“Restorative justice approaches at Christ’s Hospital School in Horsham have had an enormous impact on the entire culture of the school. Gone are the days of detentions, resentment and writing lines; instead poor behaviour and choices are reflected upon, discussed and understood. The pupils now feel fairly treated, valued and cared for (by both the staff and each other!) and negative behaviour patterns and cycles have been interrupted and broken down.  The school is happier, healthier and a more forgiving place to be and our pupils are armed with skills and values that will carry them positively through life and enable them to navigate the challenging times and relationships ahead with confidence and ease.  We could not be more pleased.”

Testimonial posted on our Facebook Page

“PMS is an amazing organisation that helps people rebuild trust and relationships. They help with community problems and have a lovely, dedicated team. I don’t know what Portsmouth would do without them”

Testimonial from a tenant assisted by PMS

“Just talking helped, it was nice to tell of my unhappy situation”

Testimonials from Housing Officers

“Always positive – working quickly and using good ideas to solve problems”

“I love the approachable nature the whole team have”

Feedback on our training courses

“Brilliant course. The trainers are clearly very passionate, knowledgeable and want to share their experiences with us all”

“I had a fantastic overall impression of the content. It was all, in ways, applicable to my role. The content made me think of the ways I could use the restorative approaches both in my role and if I was to volunteer. I appreciate that the content was explained as it is and not simplified, taking into account peoples prior knowledge and experiences”