Portsmouth City Council Housing
We are very proud of our partnership with Portsmouth City Council Housing. Our Assessment Service has been specifically designed for tenants and leaseholders of PCC Housing as part of the first step in a customer driven housing service process for dealing with neighbour nuisance and anti social behaviour.

Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner
As part of our service to our local neighbourhood police teams, PMS is funded by the Hampshire OPCC to help mediate between people caught up in low level crime and ASB.

New Forest & Southampton Mediation Service (NFS)
The two key mediation services in the two unitary cities in Hampshire have over recent years forged a close working relationship and partnership and have together established the new Solent Restorative Partnership that is modelling something very different to the past competition and rivalry between the two cities

Peter Higgins Mediation
PMS provides a mediation service aimed at the Small Business Community of Portsmouth. Working with Peter Higgins Mediation, PMS is able to offer a competitive service to the small business community. Peter is an accredited commercial mediator and specialises in helping businesses find an alternative way to settle disputes by using Mediation as opposed to potentially costly and time-consuming legal routes.

Mosaic Mediation
We really value our professional relationship with Emma Jenkins who heads up Mosaic Mediation. We are currently collaborating with Emma and the Solent Restorative Partnership on a new exciting initiative within the NHS.

Highbury College
PMS has a great relationship with the Learning Support team who have caught a hold of a Restorative vision for the college. Together we have been working to equip tutors and students with a personal restorative tool kit

Partnership for Restorative Justice
We are working closely with the Safer Portsmouth Partnership to reduce crime and help the victims of crime. Together we provide a cutting edge service in Restorative Conferencing.

University of Portsmouth
The University of Portsmouth is a key partner in our work and mission. Students studying law often become volunteers for our Mediation & Restorative roles. We are also working closely with The Student Union Advice Centre and Student Housing in helping to resolve any conflicts or disputes and on November the 2nd 2016 – we have helped launch a Mediation Service within the Uni Community.

Portsmouth & District Private Landlords Association
Working with local Landlords to create more peaceful environments for neighbours and their communities.

National Family Mediation
Portsmouth Mediation Service is delighted to team up with National Family Mediation to provide local Portsmouth people with a Family Mediation Service. Hilary, a PMS Family Mediator, said this is a great opportunity to connect and collaborate with a national organisation that provides a huge wealth of Family Mediation support and resources.

Restorative Justice Council
Mediation Surrey
We value our great relationship with the team at Mediation Surrey – it’s a privilege to be their preferred training provider for their new volunteers
Motiv 8
This brilliant local charity invests a huge amount of passion and commitment in helping to bring about lasting change for Young People, Families, and the Community. Their values and mission really dovetail well with our restorative vision for Portsmouth.