Reporting Hate Crime to PMS

National Hate Crime Awareness Week begins today the 10th October and Portsmouth Mediation Service (PMS) is taking the opportunity to promote it is a Third Party Reporting Centre (TPRC) which means people who are the victims of hate can report a crime to us. Often victims find visiting a police station can be intimidating or daunting and some believe the police won’t believe them or take them seriously. There can also be a lack of support to help victims make a report. TPRCs overcome these barriers by providing an alternative to directly reporting to the police, without which a number of hate incidents and crimes would never be reported or recorded.
One of the key advantages to reporting a crime to PMS is that our skilled team of restorative practioners have the time and skill to enable people to be properly heard; this in itself can be very healing. We are also looking for restorative opportunities to repair harm and relationships when thing get out of hand. Furthermore, PMS can provide additional support to the victim or help signpost them to other agencies to get further specialised support. For more information contact