Summer Seafront WRAP

The Waterfront Restorative Approaches Partnership (WRAP) is a collaboration of local agencies, charities and residents who have a vision to see the summer seafront become a safer place for our young people and their families. So, In a week when the new Home Secretary acknowledged Teenagers have it “much, much harder” than previous generations, it was very good to see Portsmouth’s Top Youth Organsiations, Motiv8, Urbond and Pompey in the Community working together on hosting such a brilliant Youth Sports Day Event.
The PMS Service Manager Steve commented “Collaboration and partnership are key pillars in the city wide restorative journey. The success of working with young people comes through the real relationships that are our youth organisations forge, helping our young people to belong and believe in the community and their future – everyone who is part of the WRAP wants to support and contribute towards this”
The Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner is helping to fund this joined up approach.