Thank You Tina!

After over 18 years of long and loyal service Tina Downie (centre front) stepped down from her role with Portsmouth Mediation Service. At a special lunch friends and colleagues came together to celebrate everything Tina has brought to the Mediation & Assessment Service and indeed the valuable legacy she now leaves behind. Tina is widely recognised within PMS as a restorative visionary and her prediction that “ The future is Restorative” was the springboard that helped shape a new vision and mission. After lunch, various members of the team paid their own tributes to Tina, it was an emotional occasion as personal memories and stories of Tina were recounted. It was also great to have some of the Portsmouth City Council ASB team join us and share some of their recollections. We always say that it’s not actually possible to ever leave the PMS family and so despite this change of season we look forward to Tina joining us for special meetings and events. We wish her every success and blessing for the future. A huge WELL DONE & THANK YOU Tina from us all!