Thank You CAF!

Portsmouth Mediation Service has been operating as a front line service throughout the Corona Virus emergency and especially during the Lock Down period when we were able to help and support many people who felt fearful and isolated. Like many voluntary organisations we have had to quickly adapt to new methods of working and to train our teams to be able to deliver a quality service remotely. We don’t think the cyber world replaces the flesh and blood of face to face relationships, yet we too have seen how connecting online through the various conferencing platforms is a powerfully new way to stay in touch and still provide a much needed restorative service. We are extremely thankful for additional funding that has supported us to continue to serve our city through these challenging days and to train up our volunteers with new skills to mediate online. In particular we want to thank CAF Bank for their generous financial support which has in part funded some of the development of our new cutting edge training. CAF say that they exist to make giving go further, so together we can transform more lives and communities around the world. That Mission statement resonates well with our own vision to see Portsmouth become established as a Restorative City