What we know matters, who we are matters more.

Great event today hosted by The Relational/Restorative Practice Community of Inquiry saw Claire Copeland the Executive Headteacher of Trafalgar School and some of the students (pictured) provide delegates with an inspirational presentation on the unfolding restorative story that has brought transformation to the school and its people. Claire talked about the journey to bring about a new positive restorative culture and the huge dividends that are beginning to pay off. The school has intentionally put people and relationships at the forefront of everything they do, and she quoted that great relationships are not built in a day – great relationships are built daily. So far, nearly 90 students have been trained in restorative practice and that figure is set to grow rapidly, so along with Restorative initiatives such as morning circle time for staff and students the school has over recent years seen a dramatic reduction in staff turnover and NIL students exclusions.