Registered charity number 1061569

Author: Steve Rolls

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College Park Infant School Teach Peace

The PMS Teach Peace programme is helping Portsmouth Primary Schools to build a positive Restorative Culture. Everyone connected with the school community is equipped with a restorative tool kit that helps to strengthen relationships and prevent conflict from breaking out or escalating. As we help to train a new generation of young restorative champions and…
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Portsmouth Workplace Mediation means Business!

A real privilege for Portsmouth Workplace Mediation to be associated with the Portsmouth based, Synergy Success Network and their Leadership Masterclass delivered by top business coach, Kelvin Inspires (pictured right) great also for three members of the Sort it Out Board (left to right Sam, Lily, Theo) to be involved with this inspirational workshop, –…
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PMS Champion Restorative Opportunities in Hate Crime

Portsmouth Mediation Service has just signed up as a Portsmouth Third Party Reporting Centre – Here our service manager Steve Rolls is pictured with Inspector Marcus Cator as they discuss the benefits of the scheme for the local Community. So what is a Third Party Reporting Centre (TPRC)? – It is widely accepted that hate…
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Restorative City Award for Portsmouth

Ray & Vi Donovan MBE, pioneers of Restorative Justice in the UK, are pictured here between The Lord & Lady Mayoress of Portsmouth at The Guildhall last night.  On behalf of The Chris Donovan Trust, they presented Portsmouth with a Restorative City Award.  This is the first time the trust has recognised a city.  The…
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Generation 4 sorting it out

Each year a selected group of third year law students from Portsmouth University enjoy a unique opportunity to become the directors of the management board of ‘Sort It Out’  – the restorative resolution service for students.  Here are the great young people who are looking to build on the fine foundation that has been established…
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The Great Winchester Run!

A huge Thank you to our Chairman of the Trustees, Phil Winchester and his son Rob who ran their socks off today in the Great South Run.  They were raising funds for our Teach Peace Programme which is helping Primary Schools in Portsmouth to build restorative communities.  Here they are pictured before and after the…
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Teach Peace Running Vests Arrive!

We have had a brilliant couple of days Restorative Training with these great guys from the University of Portsmouth, Highbury College and PDPLA.  These new Restorative Champions and Ambassadors are pictured here with the new running shirts for the 3 PMS entrants in the Great South Run this Sunday.  They want to join with us…
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PMS & NFS Forge ahead with The New Solent Restorative Partnership

Alan from PMS (pictured left) with Stuart and Sheila from NFS met up recently with our manager Steve Rolls to push forward on the early strategy and shape of The Solent Restorative Partnership.  There is an exciting journey ahead for this new initiative that models cooperation and unity between the two unitary cities in Hampshire. …
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Restorative Service for Portsmouth Residents

For all of us there are times in our life when we encounter some form of conflict or dispute; often just within our own household or family but conflicts or difficult situations can arise at other times and places.  For example, many drivers will know what ‘road rage’ looks like and how unsettling it can…
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PMS Supporting Neighbourhood Police Teams

John and Steve had a great time delivering some restorative practice training to our friends at Waterlooville Police Station.  PMS is committed to supporting local neighbourhood police patrol teams with a restorative approach to anti-social behaviour.  During the training session, officers were encouraged to refer low level cases of conflict and dispute.  Pictured here on…
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