Registered charity number 1061569

Category: News

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PMS Looking to Recruit New Trustees

We so value the diligent work of our Trustees, who help steer the charity towards its huge restorative vision for Portsmouth. We are delighted to welcome back former Treasurer and Chair of The Board Dr Alex Boyland who has returned for a second stint to The PMS Management Board. It was formally confirmed at The…
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New Restorative Scheme is Plain Sailing for Portsmouth Property Landlords

A group of forward-thinking Landlords from The Portsmouth & District Property Landlords Association (PDPLA) is collaborating with Portsmouth Mediation and the City Council to pioneer a new restorative service for landlords and tenants who get caught up in disputes and disagreements. Although it’s early days, it is envisaged that as the scheme develops it will…
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Restorative Relationships are Safe as Houses

Portsmouth Mediation Service (PMS) is collaborating with The Portsmouth & District Property Landlords Association (PDPLA) and Portsmouth City Council, both key stakeholders in a plan to pioneer a new Restorative Service for Landlords and Tenants that get caught up with disputes and disagreements. This independent and impartial service will be delivered by PMS, it is…
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A Bright Way Ahead

Although the PMS Assessment Team meets every week they enjoyed their first face to face catch up since last October, indeed this is only the second time they have got together since March 2020. The bright sunshine added to the sense of optimism that the gradual releasing of lockdown is ushering in a new hybrid…
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PMS Motivated to Train

As part of the PMS Vision and Mission to see a Restorative Portsmouth, we are very keen where we can to support the local Voluntary Sector by training their key workers with mediation and restorative skills. We see that these new people skills can help provide a valuable edge to the various service and work…
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PMS embraces new effective way of working

The old PMS offices are now an empty space as we have recently moved our administration centre to our home. We have invested in state-of-the-art technology and equipment to ensure our professional team have all the resources to work effectively from home. This new and permanent move has followed several months of successfully working remotely…
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“First Class Training Programme”

The amazing PMS Training Team have just completed another very successful Online Course. The PMS 6 day Community Mediation Training Course has been Zoomed up and seems even better than the previous face to face events. Certainly the feedback from delegates has been overwhelmingly positive. Here are some comments from the latest course (pictured above)…
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PMS Welcomes New Trustee

Pictured here is new trustee Tom Shaw (right) with the Chair of The PMS Management Board Mr Phil Winchester. Tom was elected to the Board last night at the Trustee meeting. It was a bitter, sweet moment as he took up his new position – Jenni Wessels who has served the Charity so magnificently over…
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Generation 5 to Sort it Out

Portsmouth Mediation Service has over the past few years worked with the Student Union Advice Centre within the University of Portsmouth to establish the Student Conflict Resolution Service called Sort it Out. Each year PMS trains and equips a new generation of 3rd year law students to be mediators and business managers of the service.…
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Reporting Hate Crime to PMS

National Hate Crime Awareness Week begins today the 10th October and Portsmouth Mediation Service (PMS) is taking the opportunity to promote it is a Third Party Reporting Centre (TPRC) which means people who are the victims of hate can report a crime to us. Often victims find visiting a police station can be intimidating or…
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